GROUP 08 - Music Video 2008/9: Risk Assessment

8 October 2008

Risk Assessment

Before we start filming we had to do a risk assessment. Here is a copy of what we wrote....


Falling of the stage,
lighting and sound equipment falling on stage,
band members in close proximity with instruments,
assembley of drum kit,

What could cause harm?: If lighting or sound fell onto a cast member,
band members could unintentionally cause injury to themselves or another member whilst acting with instruments,
drum kit difficult to assemble and some parts heavy so could be dropped,

What is the likelihood of this happening?: Falling off the stage; Quite probable, especially for the camera people.
Lighting and sound equipment; Not very likely, but very bad if it happens.
Band members in close proximity; Quite likely because band members are jumping around with guitars.
Drum kit; Very likely as drum kit is heavy and had to be fetched from a room full of drum kits that could fall on us.

Who or what would be harmed?: The equipment[instruments and stage equipment], cast and crew.

How much harm?: There is a minimal risk of harm as the damage done to person wont be very great. The only one that would cause really bad harm is if lighting or sound equipment fell on anyone.

How will the risk be managed?: If any of the risks happen we would make sure everyone is okay, check the equipment, and then just carry on, trying to reduce what ever caused the risk.


Falling down stairs

What could cause Harm?
People tripping over each other/stairs, pushing each other

What is likelihood of this happening?
Likely for someone to get pushed or tripped up as there are lots of people all running in same direction

Who or what would be harmed?
The cast

How much harm?
Not a lot of harm should be done as we will tell everyone to be very careful, but if someone seriously falls or trips, there could be some harm done.

How will this risk be managed?
If someone does trip or fall we will check they are okay, if small damage has been done, we would carry on and make sure everyone is more careful, if there is alot of damage we will stop and re-think the idea.

Cambridge streets

Hazard: People tripping up,
knocking into the public,
damaging property,
film private property/people in public

What could cause Harm?
People all running together could trip over each other,
could run into members of the public,
run into someones property,
if people do not wish to be filmed/their property filmed they could get anoyed.

What is likelihood of this happening?
People tripping; not so likely as we will be in more open space with less people for each shot.
Members of public; not very likely to run into members of public/film them we are going to find places were not a lot of people are, but if someone does get in shot, we will check it is okay to use footage.

Who or what would be harmed?
Cast members or public

How much harm?
Not a lot of harm can be caused.

How will this risk be managed?
If anything happens we will re-assess the idea, and if it is okay to carry on we will, or if not we will re-locate.

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